Thursday, April 16, 2009

Love = Sheer exhaustion

Well, my night was far too short last night! Tobyn was coughing like crazy and slept in our bed for awhile and in the middle of this, Nate. Nate had a fever and was up for two hours! This is not like him at all. He is quite warm and he has not peed really today! I need to keep a close eye on him. Tobyn has a nasty head cold and feels miserable. To top it off, my mom just called and said that she now has the stomach flu, so we had to cancel our Thursday dinner.
I am exhausted, but that is what happens when the little loves of your life need you.
I had breakfast with my two cousins and and their kiddies and as usual, it was a busy, crazy, but fun morning! Three moms and 6 kids, 4 and under!!!!!!!!! It is a tradition now and I for one would not miss it for anything.
Verse of the day: Isaiah 40:11 He tends his flocks like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.
This verse comes to me often. I so many times when I am tired and frustrated and take it out on my kids. It reminds me to let Jesus lead me, I don't need to strive and fight and do it on my own and that is a tremendous relief. I love that I have a Savior that tends to me so gently and never gives up.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Needles and Bandaids

Well today my baby had his 4 month needles and he did so good! He is one tough cookie. He was mad for about 10 seconds and that was it. Deklan and Tobyn were so glad that they did not need to have needles as well:) My baby weighs 15 pounds and is at the 50% of road for his age. Here I thought he was a huge boy, but he is average. My other two were so little that I had no idea what normal was.
My brother and sister in law are moving today and I have there daughter and she is the same age as my girl. They are so funny! They both have the tiniest "owies" and they needed bandaids!
I have had the flu the last few days, but today I finally feel better, and so does Raynold and the kids! That is a huge blessing.
Speaking of blessings, this weather is amazing! We have played outside two days in a row now! Whooo Hoooo!!!!! Once the mud goes away, it will be perfect!
So I am going to start a verse of the day for each post I do.
Here it is: Isaiah 49:16 See I have engraved you in the palm of my hands....
I love this verse. Many times in my life I have felt so alone and forgotten, but this verse reminds me that I am always before my Lord, He sees me and I have never been forgotten. I feel very loved when I recall this verse. Have a God blessed day!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hi, this is Nitasha. This is my first time doing a blog. I am very new to this, but blogs that I have viewed in the past have been really interesting and a great way to get to know someone. So, I hope that I will not bore you. This blog is going to be dedicated to the important things in my life, the things I learn from them and about my journey in my faith walk with Jesus Christ.
Today was a great day. Went to a Bible Study and learned that I need to let the forgiveness of Christ go to the marrow of my bones, so that it changes everything I do. I know that I am forgiven, but.... I often don't live like I am.
When we got home, I enjoyed a small nap and played with my kiddies. I called a lady to get two kittens for my kids and we will pick them up April 20th. They are identical twin girls. Black, orange and white. So cute! Tobyn named her kitten, Lucy and Deklan named his kitten, Shack. Deklan got the name from a veggie tale movie called, Rack, Shack, and Benny.
My kids only had short naps, so... they will go down early, and I get to watch Biggest Loser in peace and quiet.
I will get better at this, but for now.....please bear with me. Thanks for joining me on this journey.